What We Offer

We Create Your Amazing
Digital Experience

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Successful Years

About us

Leading Media Production Company
in UAE


100% Committed Team
At Grace Studio, we believe that every moment of our life should be captured!

Grace Studio Dubai is an award-winning Film and Video Production Company located in Dubai that specialises in video production and film production services. Corporate video services, Promotional service for video, music and commercial video production services, streaming live events service, virtual streaming services, and live production of event videos and shows of virtual events services, including YouTube video creation services and testimonial video production services, along with animated video explainer production services.


We make the moments that will live forever

Grace Studio

There are no exactly same events taking place

Our professional videographers and photographers are highly efficient. They're also highly trained and skilled in videography and event photography.

Timely delivery


Returning Customer


Why Choose Us

We Provide Solutions to Engage Customers

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Developer friendly design

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Secure payments

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Lifetime Support

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Lifetime Support

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Total Projects Worldwide

Lets start talking now
about next project

Good to Know

We Are Dedicated to
Shape Perfect Solutions

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Team Members

Amazing Team Members

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Mike Anderson

Mike Anderson

Founder & CEO
Michel Jason

Michel Jason

Sr. Developer
Ellyse Perry

Ellyse Perry

Digital Marketer
Shane Watson

Shane Watson

Graphic Designer


What People Say About Us

What Customers Say About Grace Studio. Just some of the things our lovely customers have been saying about us





